Clinical Practice
ARP Rheumatology Jan/Mar 2018 2018; (1) 10-31
Clinical practice, rules or action protocols
Clinical practice, rules or action protocols
Portuguese recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis and management of primary osteoporosis - 2018 update
Background: Advances in osteoporosis (OP)case definition, treatment options, optimal therapy duration and pharmacoeconomic evidence in the national context motivated the Portuguese Society of Rheumatology (SPR) to update the Portuguese recommendations for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis published in 2007.
Methods: SPR bone diseases’ working group organized meetings involving 55 participants (rheumatologists, rheumatology fellows and one OP specialist nurse) to debate and develop the document. First, the working group selected 11 pertinent clinical questions for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in standard clinical practice. Then, each question was investigated through literature review and draft recommendations were built through consensus. When insufficient evidence was available, recommendations were based on experts’ opinion and on good clinical practice. At two national meetings, the recommendations were discussed and updated. A draft of the recommendations full text was submitted to critical review among the working group and suggestions were incorporated. A final version was circulated among all Portuguese rheumatologists before publication and the level of agreement was anonymously assessed using an online survey.
Results: The 2018 SPR recommendations provide comprehensive guidance on osteoporosis prevention, diagnosis, fracture risk assessment, pharmacological treatment initiation, therapy options and duration of treatment, based on the best available evidence. They attained desirable agreement among Portuguese rheumatologists. As more evidence becomes available, periodic revisions will be performed.
Target audience and patient population: The target audience for these guidelines includes all clinicians. The target patient population includes adult Portuguese people.
Intended use: These recommendations provide general guidance for typical cases. They may not be appropriate in all situations - clinicians are encouraged to consider this information together with updated evidence and their best clinical judgment in individual cases.
A Rodrigues, H Canhão, A Marques, C Ambrósio, J Borges, P Coelho, L Costa, S Fernandes, I Gonçalves, M Gonçalves, M Guerra, M Marques, S Pimenta, P Pinto, G Sequeira, E Simões, L Teixeira, C Vaz, E Vieira-Sousa, R Vieira, F Alvarenga, F Araújo, A Barcelos, F Barcelos, R Barros, M Bernardes, J Canas da Silva, A Cordeiro, M Costa, L Cunha-Miranda, M Cruz, A Duarte, C Duarte, A Faustino, G Figueiredo, J Fonseca, C Furtado, J Gomes, C Lopes, A Mourão, M Oliveira, F Pimentel-Santos, A Ribeiro, T Sampaio_da_Nóvoa, M Santiago, C Silva, A Silva-Dinis, S Sousa, J Tavares-Costa, G Terroso, A Vilar, J Branco, V Tavares, J Romeu, da Silva JAP. Portuguese recommendations for the prevention, diagnosis and management of primary osteoporosis - 2018 update. ARP, nº1, Jan/Mar 2018:10-31. PMID: 29602163
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