ARP Rheumatology
ARP Rheumatology


Acta Reumatológica Portuguesa
Original article

Effects of Ab501 (certolizumab mice equivalent) in arthritis induced bone loss


Vidal B, Finnilä M, Lopes I, Cascão R, Fonseca JE


Introduction - Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease, which causes local and systemic bone damage. The main goal of this work was to analyze, how treatment intervention with Ab501 (certolizumab mice equivalent) prevents the disturbances on bone structure and mechanics induced by arthritis. Methods – Thirty DBA/1 collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) mice were randomly housed in experimental groups, as follows: arthritic untreated (N=9), preventive intervention (N=10) and treatment intervention (N=11). A non-induced group (N=5) was used as a control. Mice were monitored during 70 days after disease induction for the inflammatory score, ankle perimeter and body weight. After 70 days of disease progression mice were sacrificed and bone samples were collected for histology, micro-computed tomography (µCT) and 3-point bending analysis. In addition, blood samples were also collected for bone turnover markers quantification. Results - Results showed that Ab501 administration was able to control and abrogate disease development both in preventive and early therapeutic intervention. µCT results revealed that Ab501 was able to preserve trabecular bone structure when delivered before arthritis induction. Conclusion - Ab501 preventive administration was able to control inflammation and prevent the degradative effects of arthritis on trabecular bone structure in a CIA DBA/1 mice model.

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Bruno Vidal, Mikko Finnilä, Inês Lopes, Rita Cascão, Fonseca JE. Effects of Ab501 (certolizumab mice equivalent) in arthritis induced bone loss. ARP Rheumatology, Vol 3, nº4 2024:268-276. PMID: 39754728
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