ARP Rheumatology
ARP Rheumatology

The GO-DACT protocol: a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study to compare the efficacy of golimumab in combination with methotrexate (MTX) versus MTX monotherapy

Vieira-Sousa E; Canhão H; Alves P; Rodrigues AM; Teixeira F; Tavares-Costa J; Bernardo A; Pimenta S; Pimentel-Santos F; Gomes JL; Aguiar R; Videira T; Pinto P; Catita C; Santos H; Borges J; Sequeira G; Ribeiro C; Teixeira L; Ávila-Ribeiro P; Martins FM; Ribeiro RM; Fonseca JE;

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